I completed my first Triathalon

Ending off 2020 with a bang, I was working and wanted to contribute more to my phsyical well being and this involved pushing my limits, physically. I think as we are growing our mind in the long haul, we also need to strengthen our phsyical body otherwise it will gradually weaken quicker. I don’t have any science behind to back it up but as a male, i feel my responsability to strive for physical strength.

What I learnt from my first triathalon

  • Don’t over feed on energy snack during transition
  • Open water swim should be taken more slowly, you tire out very quickly
  • You can put your cap on without wetting your hair(what I learnt to do)
  • Small sips on your ride is more important than over filling before the run component
  • On the run, take your time – you don’t need to push yourself otherwise you may vomit by the end of it
  • Eat as minimal the morning before the triathalon to reduce amount of mass