New job in a new city

I moved on Saturday with very little in my luggage case. Starting the journey by what I like to think of climbing the ladder of living. To explain this concept, I’m starting off the basic. What do I mean by that – I mean that I live on next to nothing. I started my journey living in a hostel. I’ve always wanted to see what it is like there and the mix and match of young people, the chaos. Mhhhmm that chaos nature. I miss it. Compared to my very quiet life in Adelaide especially after graduating. I miss the chaos of university.

After looking at that 1 way ticket to what seems like no return. I think of the life living in a new city. A new life, i could be anyone I want. Any kind of person. I could start over again? But is that what I want though. To start off with nothing and work my way up to a good position and have to re-meet new people. I realised when I was in Adelaide, I cherrished my friends. Even though it was small, it had a lot. I mean a lot of new memories that could be made. I don’t know if I was happy though. Always felt like I had to get away from it all.

I left with a lot of these feelings unresolved. I hope that one day, I will get a chance to clarify them.