Photography – Baby Steps

Today, I am taking my first steps into the photography realm and it has always been an interest of mine that I’ve never taken action with it.

I want to tackle this hobby from 2 fronts.

The first front is the theory. I have always had a theoretical mind. If I get the mental model, it sets me up for later. So when i tweak it mentally it should be a good representation of the real thing. The first thing I learnt is the trinity properties. ISO, Aperature and Shutter. What they are and generally what values you want for each scenario.

The second front is practice! So luckily I have a camera to play with. A Nikon D3100. Kind of your average beginner and thankfully didn’t cost much. So I started looking through the settings and set my image quality to RAW format. For Nikon cameras the equivalent is NEF. NEF stands for Nikon Electronic Format.

I will also need to address the post processing stage. The most commonly used application for this is Adobe Lightroom and I don’t have access to an expensive service to start off with at the moment. I will settle for DarkTable. It could be better than I initially think. I’ve simply learnt about it’s layout and and its basic features.

Here is a snippet using the post-processing software.

DarkTable Interface

To guage my progress, I’ll document the hours. During the learning phase, I believe focussing on achieving that 20 hours will be a good start.

Thomas Suebwicha