Start to 2020

The first month is generally the time to reflect and a time to think about what you want to achieve. I ask myself this question and as officially the start of what I call my “adulthood”, I question the experiences and activities I want to do. The person I want to be in the future. Hard to narrow down all the opportunties and thoughts that flood my mind right now. Though. I will use what I got right now to get what I don’t have.

I won’t be able to achieve everything but with an balance of open mindedness and some prejudice, I’ll try to experience what I can. There is the thought of the individual who has lots of money and time. No work to occupy him. The thought makes me think of how life could get a little boring and that not all of us have that fortunate situation of living in that.

This year, I hope to explore some activities of my own childhood that I didn’t properly explore myself. Here are they are in bullet form, just because!

  • Get into a graduate program that will get me some opportunities for rotations in that industry or try something I’ve been wanting to get into!
  • Learn my parent’s Languages(Chinese & Thai): It’s been sometime on my mind and something I want to be connected with my parents by.
  • Learn an instrument: I’ve wanted to learn an insturment but never felt its absence until now.
  • No Fap: Self-explanatory!
  • Let’s keep singing: I love singing because of the way I vocalise who I am.
  • Keep my body fit: Time to keep exercising and eating well. Treat the body how it was meant to be run!
  • Keep up my side hustles: While it’s something on the side. It’s the small things I’m passionate about without making it my full time job.
  • Read: I’ve also been putting you on the sideline. Time to give you some attention.

As 2020 starts to unravel. I want to look back at this and know I was able to do it. I was able to balance it all out.